Sleepy’s Mattress Cover Design



  • Create an updated mattress cover design for the client Sleepy’s.

  • Create a top panel to emphasize the cooling PCM fibers in the cover material.

  • Color pallet must stay in Sleepy’s brand language utilizing charcoal gray, white and turquoise as accent colors.

Skills + Tools

  • Illustration/Sketch rendering

  • Fabric, texture and pattern research

  • Presentation with client

  • Illustrator

  • Procreate

  • Photoshop

  • PowerPoint


  • Designer

  • Presenter

Research Brief

Below is a summary of the research brief created after discussion with the client Sleepy’s

2021-1-25_Mattress Firm Round 1 Designs_Revised_Page_03.png

Pattern Exploration

Below are illustrator drawings exploring color, patterns and texture for the proposed mattress cover design.

Final Cover Designs

Below are the top cover designs summarized for the client. Each slide provides a sketch render of the cover, a texture example photo, and description of the color story.


KUHL Mattress Cover Design